Is your ocean true blue or bloody red?
Does your business face strong competition from domestic and international rivals?
Do you find the business working hard to simply achieve incremental increases in margin?
Are you finding you need to advertise more, yet the impact of each advertising dollar is falling?
Is your business driven as much or even more by cost cutting, benchmarking and brand management than growth, innovation and value creation?
Do you face slow revenue growth in your traditional markets?
Do you see outsourcing to low cost companies or countries as a principal tactic to gaining competitive advantage?
Are mergers, acquisitions or diversification into other industries the principal means by which you see your business growing?
Is it faster and easier to get funding to match a strategic move made by your competitor than it is to get funding to support a new line of business?
If you answered “yes” to a number of these questions, you are probably swimming in a red ocean of bloody competition.
Blue Ocean Strategy offers a proven methodology which enables companies to break away from their competition and create a blue ocean of new market space.
Read about the difference between red ocean dwelling versus blue ocean creating organisations here.
To learn more about Blue Ocean Strategy:
DOWNLOAD THE MAP – Download our 12 Week Blue Ocean Strategy Navigation Map
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BOOKSTORE – Visit the Amazon bookstore for a curated list of books, audio and articles
Source: Extracts from the book Blue Ocean Strategy. (c) Kim & Mauborgne, 2015. Boston. Harvard Business School Publishing