Blue Ocean Strategy® is the result of over 20 years of research by Professors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne of INSEAD.
Blue Ocean Strategy® has literally changed the way companies do business.
It has turned the way we think of competition on its head.
It will challenge everything you thought you knew about strategy.
The professors studied over 150 strategic moves by companies between 1880 and 2000 across more than 30 industries to see what made some a success and some fail. This groundbreaking research spawned the Blue Ocean Strategy concepts, analytical tools and frameworks, that were first outlined in a series of Harvard Business Review articles and refined into the Harvard Business Press book Blue Ocean Strategy published in 2005.
Throughout the world Blue Ocean Strategy® is now recognised as best practice in strategic planning and change management. It is the only strategic planning method to appear in Harvard Business Reviews Ten Must Reads: on Strategy and Ten Must Reads: on Change.
While business innovation has often been the consequence of random and experimental processes by entrepreneurs, Blue Ocean Strategy® offers a systematic and reproducible method, with supporting tools, frameworks, principles and processes to foster the pursuit of blue oceans by both new and existing firms.
Blue Ocean Strategy is not a one-time process. It is a strategy tool that becomes embedded in an organisation to ensure sustainability.
It offers a revolutionary approach to strategic thinking, which has previously been dominated by head to head competitive-based strategies focused on zero sum gain, in commoditised markets with shrinking margins and lessening profits.
We encourage you to read the book, available in bookstores globally and online.
Blue Ocean Strategy Australia is a member of the Official Blue Ocean Strategy Community of Practice and operates a network of experienced consultants and coaches to help you.
To learn more about Blue Ocean Strategy:
DOWNLOAD THE MAP – Download our 12 Week Blue Ocean Strategy Navigation Map
WEBINARS – Attend a webinar (podcasts coming soon!)
WORKSHOPS – Attend one of our 2 day Deep Dive workshops, to immerse yourself in the tools as you apply them to your own business
BOOKSTORE – Visit the Amazon bookstore for a curated list of books, audio and articles
Source: Extracts from the book Blue Ocean Strategy. (c) Kim & Mauborgne, 2015. Boston. Harvard Business School Publishing