Since 2008, Blue Ocean Strategy Australia was been identifying and creating new mass markets for businesses ranging from start-ups through to Fortune 500 and ASX20 companies, in Australia/NZ, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the US and Canada.
We work with Boards, CEOs, Business Owners, Strategy-Marketing-Sales and Division Leaders, Universities, L&D Managers and other Professional Advisers and Consultants.
Our Australian head office is in Melbourne, and we have a network of Qualified Practitioners and Accredited Affiliates around the world.
All our adviser have been trained as Blue Ocean Strategy® consultants and coaches and bring other industry and vocational expertise.
Blue Ocean Strategy Australia is the Australian affiliate of UCSI Blue Ocean Strategy Consulting, a certified member of the official global Blue Ocean Strategy Community of Practice.
Our mission is to create jobs and economic growth, by inspiring, empowering and supporting the growth and transformation of Australian organisations, through the professional application of Blue Ocean Strategy®.
We commercialise: New and emerging Blue Ocean markets for our clients and ourselves
We operate: Australia’s largest community of qualified and accredited Blue Ocean Strategy® consultants
We collaborate: With our colleagues across Asia, the US and Europe on international assignments, driven from Australia and abroad
We are committed to: Raising the quality, capacity and professionalism of Blue Ocean Strategy® consulting in Australia
We Support: An open source methodology and continuous professional development for business strategists
We Encourage: Authentic, experiential learning through facilitation and accelerated learning methods
We Facilitate: Strategy formulation, validation and execution
We Provide: Strategic planning advisory, development and execution advice and support at the whole of business/new product/new service/new business unit levels, as well as accredited training, mentoring, coaching and project management support
We Conduct: Applied research to continuously contribute to the knowledge and best practice of Blue Ocean Strategy®
Copyright & Trademark
The Blue Ocean Strategy book, articles, apps, training materials etc. are protected under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (as amended).
Blue Ocean Strategy® is trademarked in Australia under classes 35 and 41. These trademarks protect goods and services in business management, professional business consultancy, business research, business organisation consultancy, academies [education], arranging and conducting conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops [training], publication of books and texts, and providing online electronic publications.
If you wish to undertake any commercial advisory work in any of these areas please contact us to discuss affiliate arrangements and support.
To learn more about Blue Ocean Strategy:
DOWNLOAD THE MAP – Download our 12 Week Blue Ocean Strategy Navigation Map
WEBINARS – Attend a webinar (podcasts coming soon!)
WORKSHOPS – Attend one of our 2 day Deep Dive workshops, to immerse yourself in the tools as you apply them to your own business
BOOKSTORE – Visit the Amazon bookstore for a curated list of books, audio and articles
Source: Extracts from the book Blue Ocean Strategy. (c) Kim & Mauborgne, 2015. Boston. Harvard Business School Publishing